Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Blog Post #10: In the Age of AI

I found the "Age of AI" documentary from Frontline to be a fascinating and thought-provoking documentary, but it also really showed the actual effects AI's impact does and will have on our society as a whole. The documentary itself explored the advancements in AI and machine learning throughout time and internationally. It goes over how our world is going and is being changed in both positive and negative ways by the expansion of AI.

AI's ability to process massive amounts of different types of data and its capacity to identify patterns that humans might be unable to see is one of its benefits. In the documentary, the speakers go over how the AI was able to learn the rules and new strategies of a game and players who were pro at the game were able to play against it. Each time the AI gained more and more knowledge to the point it was creating new strategies that had never been done before for the game. 

Not only is it beneficial and impressive in the world of gaming but this also could flow into working in more helpful fields such as medical research. An AI could assist in the identification of new treatments or the science of new medications and vaccines. AI also has the ability to automate complicated procedures/or risky business strategies before they are implemented which can increase efficiency in various industries in the world.

However, the documentary also highlighted the potential negative consequences of AI, particularly in the areas of privacy and national security. There are worries that are now even more heightened after the drop of ChatGPT regarding how data is utilized and who has access to it due to AI's capacity to gather and analyze enormous volumes of data. As Ai develops in complexity, there is also a chance that it could be exploited or used maliciously. AI also has the ability to almost know more knowledge than the average person as it continues to grow. It could also possibly be given a bias opinion or perspective depending on the coder of certain AI websites or media.

With more and more personal information being shared online every day, through social media platforms especially ones such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The documentary covers the extreme risk of identity theft and internet security. The data from these websites can be easily analyzed by AI algorithms, which can possibly be used illegally. For example, deep fakes or creating AI Images of people doing illegal things with other people's faces. They look so real they are almost all believable. Individuals and organizations must start taking precautions now to safeguard their online identities and data.

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